
Bakken Shale Oil Production Sites

Long term solutions for compliance issues

Technologies to mitigate flaring issues can often be costly and ineffective and non-compliance can lead to expensive fines and reputational damage. Questor partnered with Whiting to create a cost-effective, emission-reduction solution designed to meet the project and the community’s long-term needs.

The Description

Whiting Petroleum Corporation is an independent exploration and production company with an oil focused asset base and is a top crude oil producer in North Dakota and operates substantial assets in northern Colorado.

The Problem

Whiting North Dakota were flaring all of their associated gas due to the lack of gas pipeline takeaway capacity. Due to regulatory pressure they needed to reduce the flaring at the site to remain under the 100t/yr limit on VOC’s (Title 5). They were using expensive technologies to try and reduce the amount of hydrocarbons being flared.

The Solution

Questor worked with Whiting on testing Q – Series thermal oxidizer  units to prove total emissions reduction by demonstrating >99.99% combustion efficiency. As a result of our combined efforts the North Dakota regulator (NDHPE), gave Whiting approval if they use the Q – Series, configure the sites in the same way and monitor stack top temperature they can claim up to >99.99% efficiency.

The Results
  • Reduced the potential for a Title V fine            
  • Increased oil production on the pad site
  • Reduced OPEX costs per pad site by eliminating MRU’s
  • Regulatory compliance and technology acceptance by State regulatory body

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Looking to reduce costly fines?

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