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Q - Power
Power generation unlocking operational savings by turning your waste gas into useable power with our Q - Power generators

How Does It Work?
Our systems are designed to efficiently transform otherwise wasted high and low-temperature heat into valuable electricity power which can be used on-site or transferred to a power grid.
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)
All Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems utilize an axial turbine expander coupled to a synchronous generator via a gearbox and have an evaporator, condenser, economizer-heat exchanger, centrifugal refrigerant pump, and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

Next Generation Environmental Technologies
Questor field support technicians are available on-site, wherever our power generators are installed. The result is improved overall system efficiency, valuable energy savings, and low maintenance tailored solutions, customized to every customer’s unique needs.
Product Lines: 77kW, 200kW, 561 kW and 1.5MW
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